


威尼斯人娱乐城描述:  The Associate of 艺术 Degree in 剧院 is intended to offer students the opportunity to take at 威尼斯人博彩 the first two years of a typical bachelor’s degree in theatre at a four-year college or university. It also provides the flexibility for students desiring only an associate degree to specialize the program to individual interests.

使用这个 程序图 as an advising guide to choose courses with your advisor and track progress toward milestones and completion of the degree program. The map provides students a suggested course sequence to timely program completion.

Plans can be modified to fit the needs of part-time students by adding more semesters  

课程安排    课程描述
学期1 最小额度 笔记
创造性的艺术 3 Select a course from the 创造性的艺术 core area.
戏剧 3 Area of concentration - select any DRAM course not taken as a core curriculum or general elective.
一般的选择性 3 Select any DRAM course not taken as a core curriculum or area of concentration.
沟通 3 Select a course from the 沟通 core area.
2305 -联邦政府 3
15 Program Semester Hours / Meet with your advisor
学期2 最小额度 笔记
戏剧 3 Area of concentration - select any DRAM course not taken as a core curriculum or general elective.
生命与物理科学 3 Select a course from the 生命与物理科学 core area. Students should talk with an advisor to determine the best course depending on transfer plan and degree goals. Any overflow hours from this area will be applied to the Component Core Area.
沟通 3 Select a course from the 沟通 core area.
政府2306 -德克萨斯州政府 3
SPCH 1315 -公众演讲 3 Or select a course from the 组件区域选项 core area . The component area may be used for overflow hours from other courses such as physical science.
15 Program Semester Hours / Meet with your advisor
学期3 最小额度 笔记
戏剧 3 Area of concentration - select any DRAM course not taken as a core curriculum or general elective.
数学 3 Select a course from the Mathematics core area.
语言、哲学和文化 3 Select a course from the 语言、哲学和文化 core area
历史 3 从历史核心区域中选择一门课程.
组件区域选项 3 Select a course from the Core 组件区域选项 core area. KINE 1164 - Intro to Physical Fitness (1 CH) would fulfill requirement if overflow hours from Life/Physical Sciences exist. If not, then any 3 CH Component course can be selected.
15 Program Semester Hours / Meet with your advisor
学期4 最小额度 笔记
戏剧 3 Area of Concentration - select any DRAM course not taken as core curriculum or general elective.
一般的选择性 3 Select any DRAM course note taken as core curriculum or area of concentration.
生命与物理科学 3 Select a course from the 生命与物理科学 core area. Students should talk with an advisor to determine the best course depending on transfer plan and degree goals. Any overflow hours from this area will be applied to the Component Core Area.
历史 3 从历史核心区域中选择一门课程.
社会与行为科学 3 Select a course from the 社会与行为科学 core area.
15 Program Semester Hours / Meet with your advisor
ACHIEVEMENT: Completion of Associate of 艺术 degree
60 课程总学时

*In order to participate in theatrical performances, students will be required to register each semester for a 1 credit hour 剧院 Practicum course (DRAM 1120, 1121, 2120, 和2121年).

**Students are strongly encouraged to 看到 剧院 艺术 academic advisor regarding recommended courses for the acting or technical theatre area of concentration.

注意学生必须和指导老师一起参观 when they have completed 30 hours toward the degree plan (typically the end of the second semester).


  • 批判性思维能力
  • 团队合作技能
  • 个人责任
  • 社会责任
  • 实证与定量分析
  • 人际关系/沟通技巧
    • 公众演讲
    • 语音控制
    • 口语交流
    • 通过动作进行交流
    • 对观众/听众的意识
    • 细心的听
  • 认知/分析能力
    • 解决问题
    • 批判性思维
    • 艺术表现
    • Developing multiple alternative solutions to challenges
    • Understanding ideas within their historical and social contexts
    • Comparing and contrasting ideas and information
    • Interpreting ideas into different modes and styles of presentation and communication
  • 应用技能
    • Working within timelines and budgetary considerations
    • Collaboratively developing a complex project
    • 优先级的任务
    • 多功能性
    • Organizing tasks, calendars, labor, and materials
  • Technical Skills (dependent on individual focus)
    • 动作和舞蹈
    • 声乐表演
    • 方言
    • 剧本创作
    • 木工
    • 剧院音频
    • 剧院照明
    • 剧院服装制作
    • 舞台化妆设计与应用
    • 为剧院画的风景画
    • Properties design and construction for the theatre


This THEA degree provides a pathway to transfer to a four-year college or university where students can earn a baccalaureate degree. Students are strongly encouraged to select a transfer destination by the time they have completed 30 semester credit hours. Students should consult with their chosen transfer institution regarding recommended courses that will transfer and be applied to their baccalaureate degree program.

For more information on program transfer information to four-year institutions visit Blinn’s transfer information site: http://91xn.sen35.com/transfer-information/

